How to work together:

Step 4: Continued Support
After our sessions are finished, I’ll provide you with resources to support yourself in maintaining momentum for existing goals and creating action plans for future goals.


*All sessions via Zoom


Step 2: Purchase a Package
If you decide we're a good fit, purchase a monthly package! Depending on your goals and time frame, I'll recommend one that will serve you best from the options below.


Step 3: Navigating Change
We’ll work together to clarify a path to reach your goals, design action items to get you there, and plan for how to stay accountable along the way and after we finish our sessions.


Step 1: Free 30-minute Call
Book a Free 30-minute Call to discuss what you're struggling with, what your career goals are, and what your coaching journey can look like (and if we're a good fit!).  

Finding Direction, Balance, & Enjoyment in Your Legal Career

If thinking about your workday brings up thoughts like …

"…I like my job, but something still needs to change"
"…this job isn't working out, but I have no idea what to do instead"
"…I have job options (new practice area, new firm, in-house, non-practicing role, etc.), but how do I pick the right one?"
"…I have no time to practice well-being, but I need to do something!"

 …I get it! I've been there myself (a few times)!

Whether you need help navigating a job change, finding new ways to enjoy where you're currently at, or learning how to make room for well-being in your life without adding another thing to your overflowing plate, we'll work together to figure out what you need and how to get it.

* We'll create a plan that will ensure you don’t continue to find yourself stuck in the same story, different chapter.

* I'll be there to support and hold you accountable each week as you make progress and ultimately get to where you want to be.

* And afterwards, I'll leave you with resources to continue supporting yourself as you move forward! 

Want to get a head start? Here are a few reflection exercises to help you start thinking about what you want (and do not want) in a Job, Work Environment, and Boss, what brings you Joy and Stress at work, and what Success means to you. 

Individual Coaching

One-Month Package
  • Four weekly 45-minute sessions: $675
  • *Best for specific goals like developing practices related to journaling, meditation, exercise, etc.

*Compassionate pricing is available for members of the legal profession involved in non-profit work, law students, and anyone else with special financial circumstances (no questions asked). 

Two-Month Package
  • Eight weekly 45-minute sessions: $1,265 
  • (two monthly payments of $632.50)
  • *Best for navigating broader goals like job satisfaction and stress management

Three-Month Package
  • 12 weekly 45-min sessions: $1,856.25 
  • (three monthly payments of $618.75)
  • *Best for navigating career transitions

Find a plan:

who challenged me gently and effectively to integrate more mindful, stress-reducing practices into my everyday and to confront both professional and personal concerns calmly in a safe space with a clear mind. As a result, I'm confidently forging a new, beneficial path within my current workplace that allows me to balance family, self and work." 
 – AL (New York), senior in-house lawyer

"Patty was an empathetic, caring listener

that comes with the idea of a job change by breaking things down into manageable tasks, which allowed me to access my own true desires and my problem-solving skills. Patty’s support ultimately helped me reach my goal for obtaining a new position that I am incredibly excited about!"
 – LW (Minnesota)

"Working with Patty helped relieve the anxiety

Not only did she hear what I was saying, but she was very good at identifying the underlying emotion and helpful things I was not saying. She asked questions that made me think about what I was saying and doing (and why), and her tone pushed me forward, but at my comfort level."
 - SN (Minnesota)


in the subject we were discussing. It was a powerful moment that not only built further trust, but helped me to put my struggle into a healthy perspective and realize I was not alone."
 -JMM (Minnesota)

"I really appreciated when Patty shared her own similar experience

Well-Being Retreats

Well-being Retreats are ideal for law firms, corporate legal departments, and legal organizations who want to support the well-being of their lawyers while enhancing competence, workplace relationships, and client service skills.

Attendees will learn the benefits that well-being practices can bring to their personal and professional lives, including:
     * managing stress,
     * delivering exceptional work product,
     * attracting new clients, and
     * forming lasting relationships with clients and each other.

Your team will experience up to three hours of CLE programming, team building exercises, and small and large-group discussion activities focused on:
    *mindfulness as a tool for effective advocacy,
    *building community to combat isolation & stress, and
    *strengthening resilience through self-compassion.

As a team, you'll also practice well-being strategies first-hand through guided meditations, reflection exercises, and walking breaks. 

All participants will walk away with well-being resources and discussion summaries allowing them to continue building on their experience after the retreat concludes.


Well-being Retreats are also available for judges and judicial branch employees to support well-being needs unique to working within the court system. Programming is designed to help attendees form meaningful connections with each other while learning practical ways to bring well-being strategies into their personal and professional lives. 

Programming includes a mix of icebreakers, small and large group discussion activities, and short presentations focused on how mindfulness and self-compassion can help manage stress in and out of the courtroom. 

Judges & Judicial Branch Employees

*Full-day and half-day Well-being Retreats are available at a venue selected by the client. Please Contact Me for a personalized agenda and pricing information.

designed to enhance competence, workplace relationships, and client service skills

"I've never seen this group so engaged! You drew us into the moment in a way we've never experienced before!"

Kind Words from Well-being Retreat Attendees:

"I didn't know what to expect from the day, and I was so moved by the mindfulness presentation that I took pictures of the slides to show my husband!"

Kind Words from Well-being Retreat Attendees:

"This was awesome! What a wonderful day!"

Kind Words from Well-being Retreat Attendees:

CLE Presentations

Legal Education that integrates Ethics and Well-being

While there is no easy “fix” to the stress that lawyers experience, there are ways to make small changes to our routine and mindset that can positively impact the way we manage stress and practice law. Whether it is developing a mindfulness practice or simply learning to set healthy boundaries between our personal and work lives, my goal is to provide lawyers with practical ways to improve their experience in the legal profession while honoring ethical obligations.

I also offer programming for judges, law students, and support staff to ensure that all members of the legal profession are well and taken care of!

While these topics and programs are my current focus, I am always exploring new ideas and happy to discuss tailoring presentations for specific events and audiences. New presentations will be added as I develop them!

Live or Virtual

It is no secret that being a lawyer can be incredibly stressful. Trying to manage difficult clients, complex cases, and demanding deadlines while having a life outside of work can feel impossible at times. Left unchecked, stress can have severe impacts on our physical and mental health and on a lawyer’s ability to comply with ethical obligations related to competence, diligence, and communication.

This program will not only teach lawyers about the health risks related to stress, but how mindfulness and meditation can help with reducing the risk of stress-related problems in their law practice to allow lawyers to thrive personally and professionally. Lawyers will also learn how to identify signs of stress in themselves and in their colleagues along with practical strategies and resources for supporting well-being in the workplace. Attendees will also experience a brief guided body scan as an introduction to meditation along with resources for managing stress and developing a consistent mindfulness practice.

Eligible for 1.0 Mental Health/Substance Use CLE Credit in Minnesota. 

Tailored versions of this program are available for law firm staff, supervisors, & judicial branch employees.

Inquire about presentation.


Managing Stress Mindfully

Although often associated with a slowed pace, mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools that require active engagement with the present moment. Through experiencing mindful moments in our personal lives each day, we can learn to embrace the present moment and begin to apply these practices to our professional lives in ways that can improve our effectiveness as attorneys and our ability to comply with various ethics rules including those focused on competence, diligence and communication.

This program addresses how mindfulness and meditation are similar yet different, how to develop and experience these practices daily, and how they intersect with various ethics rules. Attendees will also experience a brief guided body scan as an introduction to meditation.

Eligible for 1.0 Ethics CLE Credit in Minnesota.

Tailored versions of this program are available for law firm staff, supervisors, & judicial branch employees.

Inquire about presentation.

Engaging in the Present Through Practice

Mindful Moments:


Whether working as a solo practitioner or alongside dozens of lawyers at a firm, it can be isolating and stressful when we feel like the only one struggling to manage the demands of being a lawyer. On the other hand, when we feel like we’re part of a community of peers, life as a lawyer can feel less lonely, less stressful, and can even allow us to perform more competently and diligently as attorneys.

This program is designed to help lawyers combat isolation and manage stress by forming authentic connections with each other through instructor-led discussions. Attendees will learn about the health risks associated with isolation and stress, the related impact on maintaining an ethical law practice, stress-management techniques, and the benefits of connection to promote well-being in the legal profession.

Eligible for 1.0 Standard CLE Credit in Minnesota.

Inquire about presentation.

Managing Isolation and Stress Together

Building Community:


Self-compassion means showing yourself the same kindness, care, and support you would show to a friend in need. Gratitude means appreciating what you have rather than longing for what you don't have. Joy is a state of mind and heart that at its core is about celebrating the connection between ourselves and others.

Although each have distinct qualities and practices, they are intertwined in a beautiful way that can shift the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us. They can improve stress management skills, deepen professional relationships, and enhance compliance with various ethics rules including competence, diligence, and communication.
This presentation addresses the foundation of each practice, how to apply them to our personal and professional lives, and the lasting benefits of doing so. There is also opportunity for written reflection exercises and two brief guided meditations throughout to further illustrate these practices.

Eligible for 1.0 Ethics CLE Credit in Minnesota.

*Tailored versions of this program are available for law firm staff and judicial branch employees.

Inquire about presentation.

with Self-compassion, Gratitude, & Joy

Ethically Enhancing Workplace Well-being


Being a lawyer is hard. Being a new lawyer is even harder when you have yet to master your practice area, learn how to effectively communicate with clients, and manage the exhaustion that can impact your organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines.

This presentation will address ways to avoid common mistakes (and how to offer self-compassion when they happen), techniques for managing a full caseload, and the importance of addressing your mental health and well-being as a young attorney.

Special emphasis will be placed on the duties of competence, diligence, communication, safekeeping client property, and withdrawing from (or declining) representation.

Inquire about presentation.

of Navigating Life as a New Lawyer

The Ethics


“Patty’s presentation on how to incorporate mindfulness into one’s daily life as a lawyer was not only truly engaging, but also oriented to real life. She convinced me that if you can be mindful for 5 minutes, you can be a better lawyer.”  

Erin Higgins, Boston
Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP
former PLDF President

"Patty, there were many outstanding presentations at the PLDF conference this year, but I wanted to tell you that yours is the one that has kept coming back to me. It has reminded me many times to be present in the moment and notice what is happening. That has in turn given me wonderful breaks from the stressful mind machinations I do so often. Thank you."

Brent Winans, CPCU, ARM, Vice President
Clear Advantage Risk Management

“After Patty’s Mindfulness presentation, I bought a new coffee grinder and now enjoy the best coffee I’ve ever made each morning (and get to have a little moment to myself, too!).” 

Carrie O., MN
MSBA Well-Being Committee

Take a moment and feel your breath.

Inhale through your nose for four counts and exhale out your mouth for eight counts. When you feel stressed, come back to your breath. 

Totally understandable! Please reach out and I look forward to connecting!

Have Questions?


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